Pharmaceutical pollution of the world’s rivers

Researchers of the Veterinary Faculty of University of Ljubljana participated in a new high-profile global study of river pollution by active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), led and coordinated by the University of York (UK). As the study looked at 258 rivers from all continents, including Antarctica, with a single approach to sampling, analytical methodology and statistical processing, it has been the first truly global-scale investigation of medical contamination in the environment. Ljubljanica was among the least polluted rivers, included in this research.

A summary of the study, with a link to its publication, is available at the website of the Veterinary Faculty of University of Ljubljana:

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ICT 2022

Maastricht, Netherlands, September 18-21, 2022

The Dutch Society of Toxicology is organizing the XVIth International Congress of Toxicology in Maastricht, the Netherlands, from the 18th to the 21st of September 2022. This congress is jointly organized with International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX) and the European Society of Toxicology (EUROTOX), and unites the best of toxicological scientists worldwide. ‘Uniting in Toxicology’ is theme of the congress.

Registration and abstract submission is open. More information are available at congress website:

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Call for scientific proposals EUROTOX 2023

Deadline: March 1, 2022

Congress EUROTOX 2023 will taking place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 10-13, 2023.

The theme of the congress is “Toxicology – multidisciplinary science leading to safer and sustainable life”.

The information for submition of scientific proposals are available at EUROTOX website Please make sure to follow the guidelines when preparing your proposal, and use the official template to submit your proposals.

Call for scientific proposals EUROTOX 2023 Read More »

41th EAPCCT Congress

virtually 25th – 28th May 2021

The European Association of Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT) looks forward to welcoming you to the EAPCCT Congress. Congress is aimed to foster a better understanding of the principles and practice of clinical toxicology in order to prevent poisoning and to promote better care for the poisoned patient.

Details on the conference schedule and registration are available at the conference website

41th EAPCCT Congress Read More »

Call for Proposals for the ICT 2022 Scientific Program

Deadline: June 1, 2021

The deadline for submitting session proposals for the XVIth International Congress of Toxicology (ICT 2022) is approaching and will be on Tuesday, June 1, 2021.

ICT 2022 will be held in Maastricht, Netherlands from September 18-22, 2022 and is a joint congress of IUTOX and EUROTOX, organized in collaboration with the Netherlands Society of Toxicology.

Please make sure to follow the guidelines for session proposals when preparing and submitting your proposal. Further information regarding the guidelines can be found on the ICT 2022 website ( in the menu “Call for session proposals”.

Call for Proposals for the ICT 2022 Scientific Program Read More »


26th to 29th September 2021, Copenhagen,Denmark

The Danish Society for Toxicology and Pharmacology in conjunction with EUROTOX organize 56th congress EUROTOX 2021 –

˝Toxicology of the next generation – Combined efforts in the quest for safer chemicals and medicines˝in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.  

More info are available at congress webpage

Registration and abstract submission are open the abstract submission deadline is 31 March 2021.

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In memoriam prof. dr. Valentin Skubic

We announce the sad news about death of professor dr. Valentin Skubic, honorary member of the Slovenian Toxicological Society (STD).

Prof. Skubic was one of the founding members of STD. His participation in the establishment and work of the STD was a reflection of his many years of work in the field of toxicology (and pharmacology), as evidenced in his rich biography and bibliography. Due to his top expertise, he has participated in the work of various bodies, committees and commissions and industry related to various fields of toxicology. As a university professor in the field of pharmacology with toxicology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine on University of Ljubljana and head of the Institute of Physiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, he selflessly passed on his experience to numerious undergraduate and postgraduate students and associates.

Rest in peace dear professor!

In memoriam prof. dr. Valentin Skubic Read More »

Webinar for STD members

Thursday 14/5/2020 at 17pm

For active members of STD will be organised webinar by dr. Ester Lovšin Barle (Head Product Stewardship and Health, Takeda Pharmaceuticals).

Title: General principles of worker protection from exposure to oncology medicinal products in pharmaceutical research, development and manufacturing


The European Commission is financing a study to support a preparatory work concerning a possible EU initiative to protect workers from exposure to hazardous medicinal products in the healthcare setting. The study may result in the possible amendment to the EU Directive 2004/37/EC – carcinogens or mutagens at work (aka Carcinogens and Mutagens directive (CMD)) or other relevant Occupational Safety and Health legislation or other non-legislative instruments (Ares(2019)7813568 – 19/12/2019).

In pharma worker exposures are managed through a system of hazard and risk assessment with the aim of eliminating potential for adverse health effects. In this webinar an overview of those risk assessment and mitigation principles will be discussed with a link to published literature on the exposure management gaps observed in healthcare setting.

Webinar will be in Slovenian language, slides will be presented in English.

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