GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, Ljubljana, 10.-13. September 2023
More than 1,500 participants from 63 countries and 80 exhibitors attended the congress.
Thanks to the local organizing committee for all their efforts and support, especially the president of the LOC, dr. Lucija Perharič for excellent management.
Local Organizing Committee (LOC):
Lucija Perharič (predsednica)
Katarina Černe
Gorazd Drevenšek
Anita Jemec
Jernej Kužner
Maja Martinčič
Smilja Milošev
Lucija Peterlin Mašič
Marija Sollner Dolenc
Mirjam Stančič
Marjan Vračko
Bojana Žegura
You are invited to look at pictures on the official website of the congress