
Ne-testne metode za sestavine kozmetike-uporaba pristopa teže dokazov

This year Altertox Academy opens its training program by organizing a hands-on training on Use of weight of evidence with non-testing methods for cosmetics ingredients. The training is hosted by Dr. Emilio Benfenati at the Mario Negri Institute on the 22nd and 23rd of May in Milano, Italy.
Join us at this training and learn about:
  • In silico models and read across within VEGAHUB +TEST (USA EPA) + Toxtree (JRC)
  • Using an integrated workflow for skin sensitization with the OECD toolbox and novel models. Based on strategy developed by JRC
  • Using the workflow of the models for endocrine disruption (German EPA/UBA)
  • Case studies on Mutagenicity + skin sensitization + skin and endocrine disruption
Do not miss the chance to stay ahead of the curve!
Register for this training and encourage your colleagues to register as well, by following the instructions in this link:

Ne-testne metode za sestavine kozmetike-uporaba pristopa teže dokazov Read More »

Razpis za delovno mesto na Nacionalnem inštitutu za javno zdravje

Na spletni strani  strani Zavoda za zaposlovanje je bil 23.2. 2018 objavljen razpis za delovno mesto Razvojno raziskovalnega sodelavca II za izvajanje toksikoloških ocen nevarnosti in tveganja za zdravje ljudi. Za nadaljnje informacije pokličite 01 244 1495 ali 01 244 1493. V priponki je kratek opis predvidenih delovnih nalog.

Razpis februar 2018

Razpis za delovno mesto na Nacionalnem inštitutu za javno zdravje Read More »